Cost Assessment & Program Evaluation (CAPE)
The CAPE Director (DCAPE) reports directly to the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Defense, providing independent analytic advice on all aspects of the defense program, including alternative weapon systems and force structures, the development and evaluation of defense program alternatives, and the cost-effectiveness of defense systems.
CAPE is responsible for the management of the Department’s programming processes and annual program review. The ultimate product of the program review is the Future Years Defense Program – the authoritative statement of what the Department plans, year by year, in terms of force structure (how many ships, brigades and divisions, aircraft squadrons and wings, etc., we will operate), procurement (how many ships, tanks, aircraft, missiles, etc., we will buy), manpower (how many people, military and civilian, we plan to employ in each of the services and defense agencies), other supporting programs (such as R&D and military construction), and what it will all cost.
CAPE helps to shape the force in the long-term by providing analysis and advice on resource issues to the Joint Requirements Oversight Council as well as formulating study guidance for analyses of alternatives for major defense acquisition programs.
In accordance with Table 2, DCAPE assesses Analysis of Alternatives (AoAs) for ACAT ID/IAM programs. DCAPE may be the approval authority for AoA Study Guidance and AoA Study Plans; DCAPE is the approval authority for Independent Cost Estimates for ACAT ID and IAM programs.
Enclosure 9 describes DCAPE roles and responsibilities in Analysis of Alternatives.
DCAPE responsibilities are identified in DoD Directive 5105.84.
Source: OSD CAPE