Joint Staffing Designator (JSD)
A designation assigned by the Gatekeeper based on actual/potential Acquisition Category (ACAT) and Joint Staff equities (necessity of specific endorsements, leadership guidance, or predecessor document JSD). The JSD sets the staffing path and timeline for the document and identifies the validation authority. According to the JCIDS Manual, there are three categories of JSDs:
1. Joint Requirements Oversight Council (JROC) or Joint Capabilities Board (JCB) Interest. Applied to capability requirement documents which have a potentially significant impact to the joint force or otherwise require high-level oversight and coordination, including interoperability (other US government agency/department, allied/partner nation, coalition, etc.), and other aspects such as transportability and other joint force enablers not otherwise covered by joint certifications and endorsements.
— JROC Interest: Used for these documents associated with, or with the potential to drive, ACAT I/IA programs, or where the intended level of joint oversight cannot be satisfied by assignment of a lower level JSD. The JROC is the validation authority for JROC Interest documents.
— JCB) Interest: Used for these documents associated with, or with the potential to drive, ACAT II and below programs where the intended level of joint oversight cannot be satisfied by assignment of a lower level JSD. The JCB has independent validation authority for JCB Interest documents, except for USSOCOM capability requirement documents for which the Special Operations Command Requirements Evaluation Board has independent validation authority.
2. Joint Integration: Applied to all capability requirement documents associated with, or with the potential to drive, ACAT II and below programs, which require one or more Joint Staff certifications or endorsements, but are below the level of JCB Interest. Joint Integration is the minimum JSD for weapons and munitions The Sponsor organization has independent validation authority for Joint Integration documents, once applicable Joint Staff certifications and endorsements are received.
3. Joint Information: Applied to all capability requirement documents associated with, or with the potential to drive, ACAT II and below programs, which do not need Joint Staff certifications or endorsements, and are below the level of JCB Interest. The Sponsor organization has independent validation authority for Joint Information documents and responsibility for applicable certifications and endorsements.
Source: JCIDS Manual