Major Automated Information System (MAIS) Acquisition Program

ACAT IA programs are Major Automated Information Systems (MAIS). A MAIS is a DoD acquisition program for an automated information system (AIS) that is either designated by the MDA as a MAIS, or estimated to exceed:

  • $40 million (FY 2014 constant dollars), for all increments, regardless of appropriation or fund source, directly related to the AIS definition, design, development, and deployment, and incurred in any single FY; or
  • $165 million (FY 2014 constant dollars), for all expenditures, for all increments,­regardless of appropriation or fund source, directly related to the AIS definition, design, development, and deployment, and incurred from the beginning of the Materiel Solution Analysis (MSA) Phase through deployment at all sites; or
  • $520 million (FY 2014 constant dollars) for all expenditures, for all increments, regardless of appropriation or fund source, directly related to the AIS definition, design, development, deployment, operation and maintenance (O&M), and incurred from the beginning of the MSA phase through sustainment for the estimated useful life of the ­system.

        AIS do not include computer resources, neither hardware nor software, that are an integral part of a weapon or weapon system; are used for highly sensitive classified programs (as determined by the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF)); are used for other highly sensitive information technology (IT) programs (as determined by the Department of Defense Chief Information Officer (DoD CIO)); or determined by the USD(AT&L) or designee to be better overseen as a non-AIS program.

programs have two sub-categories:

  1. ACAT IAM for which the MDA is the USD(AT&L). The USD(AT&L) may delegate MDA authority to the DoD CIO, or other designee. The “M” (in ACAT IAM) refers to MAIS.
  2. ACAT IAC which the MDA (USD(AT&L), DoD CIO, or other designee) has delegated to the head of the DoD component or, if delegated, the CAE. The “C” (in ACAT IAC) refers to component.

The USD(AT&L) designates programs as ACAT IAM or ACAT IAC.

Source: DoDI 5000.02 Enclosure 1

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