MITRE’s Acquisition Solutions

MITRE’s Acquisition Thought Leadership

MITRE’s Acquisition Research

  • Evaluating the Use of Public Data Sources to Improve Acquisition Processes, Paper, Presentation
  • Smart Contracts in the Federal Gov’t – Leveraging Blockchain for Acquisition Paper, Presentation
  • Accelerate: How Programs Can Deliver Better Capabilities Faster, PaperPresentation
  • Information Technology Acquisition Best Practices, Paper, Presentation
  • Maturing Cost Estimation in a Rapid Acquisition Environment, Paper, Presentation
  • Conducting Viability Assessments for Acquisition Planning, Paper, Presentation
  • Pushing the Acquisition Innovation Envelope at the Office of Naval Research, Paper, Presentation
  • Understanding Defense Acquisition Workforce Challenges, Paper, Presentation
  • Speed and Agility: How Defense Acquisition Can Enable Innovation, Paper, Presentation
  • Portfolio Acquisition: How DoD Can Leverage the Commercial Product Line, Paper, Presentation
  • Addressing the Barriers to Agile Development in the DoD, Paper, Presentation

MITRE Innovation Toolkit

Tools that help users understand how, when, and why to innovate, provide best practices and guidance, and jump-start the problem-solving process. 


MITRE’s Cost, Acquisition, and Management Solutions (CAMS) Innovation Center provides multi-disciplinary analyses and products that enable MITRE sponsors to acquire, create, and deploy systems and processes that are mission effective and lifecycle affordable.


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