MITRE’s Acquisition Solutions
MITRE’s Acquisition Thought Leadership
- Sisyphus on the Mountaintop Acquisition Reform: Past and Future
- Buy the Way We Fight: Policies, Practices, and Partnerships for International Acquisitions
- Five First Steps to a Modern Defense Budgeting System
- Arming the Eagle, Outpacing the Dragon
- Level-Up Your Market Research Game: Strategies and Hacks You’ll Want to Use
- Pentagon: Buy Commercial Already
- Pillars of the Modern Defense Budgeting System for the PPBE Commission
- Reverse Innovation in Global Defense
- Five by Five: Five Disciplines and Five Strategic Initiatives for the Pentagon in the Digital Age
- Modernizing DoD’s Requirements: Enabling Speed, Agility, and Innovation
- Measuring the Impact of Innovation Activities in Government
- Driving Impact Through Acquisition Flexibility
- Authority, Autonomy, and Accountability: Defense Fielding Principles for Innovation and Speed
- Accelerating Defense Acquisition: Faster acquisitions produce a stronger force
- After the Divorce: How the Pentagon can position itself the new era of acquisitions
- Challenge Based Acquisition: Using challenges to encourage innovation, assess and purchase solutions
- Deliver Uncompromised: Strategy for Supply Chain Security and Resilience
- Understanding Defense Acquisition Workforce Challenges
- Simplifying and Digitizing: Transforming Federal Acquisitions for Speed and Agility
- Proactively Tailored Acquisition Pathways: The “Google Maps” of Accelerated Acquisition
- Acquisition Lead Time: Bottlenecks That Threaten Government Effectiveness.
MITRE’s Acquisition Articles, Op-Eds, and Podcasts
- HIMARS’ Hidden Superpower and Other Acquisition Lessons from Ukraine, Defense One
- Pentagon needs a six-pillar foundation, The Hill
- Bridging the DoD’s Valley of Death, NextGov
- Bad Idea: Managing Defense Requirements, Budgets, and Acquisitions via Programs, CSIS
- Shake Off the Pentagon’s Industrial-Age Bureaucracy, Defense One
- The Air Force’s Kessel Run Is the John Travolta of Defense Acquisitions, Defense One
- We’re Not Playing Acquisition Pac-Man Anymore, Defense One
- Rapid and Agile: Not Interchangeable, DAU Blog
- Foundations for a Game Theoretic Framework for Agile Acquisition, Acquisition Research Journal
- Don’t Play Mob Ball: What Acquisition Pros Can Learn from Kids Soccer, Defense One
- Does the U.S. Still Lead the Way in Defense Acquisition?,
- Sci-Fi Acquisition: The Wrath Of Mid-Tier Krog, Breaking Defense
- Section 809 Panel Streamlining IT Acquisition Regulations, Gov’t Matters TV
- Proactively Tailored Acquisition Models, Defense AT&L Magazine
- Think Portfolios, Not Programs, Defense AT&L Magazine
- Going the Distance: Benefits of Competition Through the Life of a Program, Defense AT&L Magazine
MITRE’s Acquisition Research
- Evaluating the Use of Public Data Sources to Improve Acquisition Processes, Paper, Presentation
- Smart Contracts in the Federal Gov’t – Leveraging Blockchain for Acquisition Paper, Presentation
- Accelerate: How Programs Can Deliver Better Capabilities Faster, Paper, Presentation
- Information Technology Acquisition Best Practices, Paper, Presentation
- Maturing Cost Estimation in a Rapid Acquisition Environment, Paper, Presentation
- Conducting Viability Assessments for Acquisition Planning, Paper, Presentation
- Pushing the Acquisition Innovation Envelope at the Office of Naval Research, Paper, Presentation
- Understanding Defense Acquisition Workforce Challenges, Paper, Presentation
- Speed and Agility: How Defense Acquisition Can Enable Innovation, Paper, Presentation
- Portfolio Acquisition: How DoD Can Leverage the Commercial Product Line, Paper, Presentation
- Addressing the Barriers to Agile Development in the DoD, Paper, Presentation
MITRE’s Cost, Acquisition, and Management Solutions (CAMS) Innovation Center provides multi-disciplinary analyses and products that enable MITRE sponsors to acquire, create, and deploy systems and processes that are mission effective and lifecycle affordable.