Existing Other Transaction (OT) Consortia
Last Updated 2/23/2025
OSD Sponsored OT Consortia
Cornerstone Consortium
Government Sponsor: OSD Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Industrial Policy via Manufacturing Resiliency and Assurance Office, and Industrial Base Analysis and Sustainment (IBAS) Program
Consortium Management Entity: US Army Combat Capabilities Development Command – Chemical Biological Center
Consortium Focus/Mission: Accelerates research, development, prototyping, demonstration, qualification, and integration of manufacturing capabilities and capacities into the US Industrial Base and supply chains. Cornerstone integrates the diverse and currently fragmented collection of industry sectors across a range of manufacturing disciplines to ensure Industrial Base resiliency and assurance and a robust manufacturing innovation ecosystem.
Technology Focus Areas
- Area 1: Aircraft
- Area 2: Radar and Electronics Warfare
- Area 3: Shipbuilding
- Area 4: Ground Vehicles
- Area 5: Soldier Systems
- Area 6: Space
- Area 7: Chemical, Biological, Radiological, & Nuclear (CBRN)
- Area 8: Materials
- Area 9: Machine Tools
- Area 10: Cyber for the Industrial Base
- Area 11: Optics
- Area 12: Advanced Technology & Advanced Manufacturing
- Area 13: Electronics
- Area 14: Command, Control, Communications, & Computers (C4)
- Area 15: Munitions & Missiles
- Area 16: Industrial Base & Manufacturing Skills
- Area 17: Trusted Capital
- Area 18: Special Operations Forces (SOF) Operational Requirements
Who Can Join?
U.S. traditional and non-traditional defense contractors, small businesses, private equity firms, academic institutions, and Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs). Foreign participation on a case-by-case basis.
Cost to Join?
No fee
Current Members (not public) | Current Opportunities | Join the Cornerstone Consortium
Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction (CWMD) Consortium
Government Sponsor: DoD Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Defense (JPEO-CBRND)
Consortium Management Firm: Advanced Technology International (ATI)
Consortium Focus/Mission: Developing technologies such as radiation sensor, sonar, cargo X-ray, and chemical detection to stop attacks before they occur; technologies to gain situational awareness and understand the actions of adversaries, including technologies for detection, analytics, vulnerability assessments, and operational readiness; and technologies to protect individuals and groups, including ocular, respiratory, percutaneous, and materiel protection.
Technology Focus Areas
- WMD Consequence Management and Hazard Mitigation
- Threats and Vulnerabilities Awareness, Counter-Proliferation Technologies and Capabilities
- Arms Control Technologies
- Chemical, Biological Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN)
- Fundamental Science, Research and Development, and Experimentation of Emerging Technologies
Who Can Join?
U.S. companies or U.S.-based affiliates of foreign companies, academia, non-profit entities.
Cost to Join?
$250 annual membership fee
Current Members | Current Opportunities | Join the CWMD Consortium
Defense Electronics Consortium (DEC)
Government Sponsor: Department of Defense, facilitated by the Cornerstone Consortium
Consortium Management Firm: U.S. Partnership for Assured Electronics supported by Advanced Technology International (ATI)
Consortium Focus/Mission: Strengthen the economic and force posture of the U.S. defense electronics industrial base and provide the DoD with deeper insights and connections to the U.S. electronics industry while providing industry with greater access to DoD opportunities.
Technology Focus Areas
Consumer electronics, computers, automotive, industrial/medical equipment, telecommunications, and aero/defense. The industrial base consists of engineering companies that design integrated circuits (IC); front end companies that manufacture ICs; back end manufacturers that assemble ICs into packages; IC vendors that design and market ICs; systems integration companies that combine ICs into electronic systems; and others as applicable.
Who Can Join?
Small & medium-sized innovators, traditional and non-traditional defense contractors, academia, non-profit/not-for-profit research institutions.
Cost to Join?
$500 – $50,000. USPAE assesses membership fees based on a company’s revenue. Learn more here.
Current Members (not public) | Current Opportunities | Join the DEC
Defense Industrial Base Consortium (DIBC)
Government Sponsor: OSD Manufacturing, Capability Expansion, and Investment Prioritization Directorate (MCEIP)
Consortium Management Firm: Advanced Technology International (ATI)
Consortium Focus/Mission: Coalesce and expand the defense industrial base (DIB) in support of the MCEIP critical subsectors to deliver a resilient U.S. supply chain and workforce able to respond in times of national security crisis without reliance on foreign sources.
Technology Focus Areas
The following sectors are considered to be critical to the defense industrial base:
- Strategic and critical materials
- Kinetic capabilities
- Energy storage and batteries
- Castings and forgings
- Microelectronics
- Workforce development
The following areas of interest are considered to be critical within the MCEIP:
- Small unmanned aerial systems
- Submarine industrial base
- Space industrial base
- Emerging manufacturing technology
The specific sectors deemed critical within the DIB today may change and expand over the life of the Defense Industrial Base Consortium (DIBC).
Who Can Join?
Any company, university, or research organization with expertise in the technology sectors specifically related to the DIBC mission. Membership in DIBC is limited to US companies or US-based affiliates of foreign companies, and to international based companies in Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom.
Cost to Join?
There is no cost to join DIBC for the first year. After the first year, membership dues may increase to $250.
DoD Ordnance Technology Consortium (DOTC)
Government Sponsor: DoD in partnership with the National Armaments Consortium (NAC)
Consortium Management Firm: Advanced Technology International (ATI)
Consortium Focus/Mission: Enhance our Warfighter’s lethality, survivability and combat effectiveness by facilitating the industrial and academic research, development, and technology demonstrations needed to advance and expand our military technological superiority.
Technology Focus Areas
- Ammunition
- Demilitarization
- Directed Energy Warfare
- Enabling Technologies
- Energetic Materials
- Fuses
- Joint Enhanced Munitions
- Protection & Survivability
- Rockets, Missiles, & Bombs
- Sensors & Sensor Systems
- Warheads Lethal Mechanisms
- Weapon Systems
Who Can Join?
Any company, university, or research organization with expertise in the technology areas specifically related to the DOTC mission.
Cost to Join?
$500 one time fee. No recurring annual member dues.
Current Members | Current Opportunities | Join the DOTC (via the NAC)
Medical CBRN Defense Consortium (MCDC)
Government Sponsor: DoD Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Defense (JPEO-CBRND)
Consortium Management Firm: Advanced Technology International (ATI)
Consortium Focus/Mission: Advanced development efforts to support the DoD’s medical pharmaceutical and diagnostic requirements as related to enhancing the mission effectiveness of military personnel.
Technology Focus Areas
Detection, prevention, and treatment of CBRN threats. Examples include:
- Therapeutic MCM prototypes targeting viral, bacterial, and biological toxins and MCM enabling technologies
- Single and multiple-drug autoinjector delivery devices
- Vaccine-manufacturing platforms
- Prototypes for the prophylaxis, treatment and diagnosis of CBRN threats, including Acute Radiation Syndrome and chemical nerve agents
- Systems to increase the speed, accuracy, and confidence of agent identification and disease diagnosis
- Advanced development and manufacturing capabilities
Who Can Join?
U.S. companies or U.S.-based affiliates of foreign companies and academia.
Cost to Join?
$250 annual membership fee
National Spectrum Consortium (NSC)
Government Sponsor: Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research & Engineering (R&E)
Consortium Management Firm: Advanced Technology International (ATI)
Consortium Focus/Mission: Foster collaboration between Government, Industry, and Academia to identify, develop, and demonstrate the enabling technologies necessary to broaden the military and commercial access to and use of the electromagnetic spectrum for 5G and beyond.
Technology Focus Areas
- Massive Multiple Input, Multiple Output (mMIMO)
- 3D Beamforming
- Waveform Diversity
- Multifunction RF
- Cognitive Spectrum Sharing
- Machine Learning
- Cognitive Sensing
- Smart Technologies
- Virtual/Augmented/Mixed Reality
- Digital Twins
- Device-to-Device (D2D) Communications
- Network Ultra-Densification
- Narrow band (NB)/Massive(m)/Critical(C) Internets of Things (IoT)
- Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANET)
- Autonomous Navigation
- Wireless Software Defined Networks
- Network Function Virtualization
- Heterogeneous Networks (HetNets)
- Next Generation Radio Access Networks (RAN)
- 5G Technologies
- Offensive Electronic Warfare
- Electronic Protection
- Zero-trust Cybersecurity
- Big Data
Who Can Join?
Industry, academic research institutions, and non-profit and not-for-profit organizations.
Cost to Join?
$500 annual dues
University Consortium for Applied Hypersonics (UCAH)
Government Sponsor: Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (R&E) and Joint Hypersonics Transition Office
Consortium Management Firm: Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station (TEES)
Consortium Focus/Mission: Collaborative network of universities working with government, industry, national laboratories, federally funded research centers, and existing university affiliated research centers to deliver the innovation and workforce needed to advance modern hypersonic flight systems in support of national defense.
Technology Focus Areas
- Materials, structures, and thermal protection systems
- Guidance, navigation, and control
- Air-breathing propulsion
- Hypersonic environments and phenomenology
- Applied thermodynamics and hypersonic systems
- Lethality and energetics
Who Can Join?
Domestic universities, with participation limited to U.S. citizens. U.S. Government may clear and authorize foreign participation from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom prior to membership on a case-by-case basis. Non-voting engagement (affiliate membership) by industry and other entities, such as national labs, UARCs, and FFRDCs is permitted by the contract agreement with the U.S. Government.
Cost to Join?
No fee
Current University Members | Current Affiliate Members | Current Opportunities | Join the UCAH
Vertical Lift Consortium (VLC)
Government Sponsor: Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (R&E)
Consortium Management Firm: Advanced Technology International (ATI)
Consortium Focus/Mission: Develop and transition innovative vertical lift technologies to rapidly and affordably meet warfighter needs.
Technology Focus Areas
- Aeromechanics
- Rotocraft Structures
- Vehicle Management Systems
- Rotocraft Subsystems
- Transmissions & Drives Systems
- Engines & Motors
- Other Power Sources
- Survivability
- Teaming & Autonomy
- Human Systems Interfaces
- Avionics & Networks Communications
- Engagement & Effects
- Operations Support & Sustainment
- Flight Operations
- Aerial Systems Concept Evaluation
- System Effectiveness Analysis
Who Can Join?
U.S. companies, firms, organizations, institutions, or other entities organized or existing under the laws of the United States, its territories, or possessions.
Cost to Join?
$500 annual fee
Air Force Sponsored OT Consortia
AFLCMC Consortium Initiative (ACI) – a SOSSEC Other Transaction Agreement
Government Sponsor: Air Force Lifecycle Management Center (AFLCMC)
Consortium Management Firm: System of Systems Consortium (SOSSEC), Inc.
Consortium Focus/Mission: Development, test, measurement, demonstration, integration, and delivery of prototypes for the Air Force related to C4ISR information sharing information systems.
Technology Focus Areas
- Distributed Common Ground Station
- Theater Battle Management Core Systems
- Air Operations Center
- Open Mission System
- Secure View
- Information Support Server Environment Guard
- Cybersecurity Environments
- Web Temporal Analysis System
- Combined Information Data Network Exchange
- Collaboration Gateway
- Other systems to be determined
Who Can Join?
Traditional and non-traditional firms, academic institutions, and non-profit organizations.
Cost to Join?
$500 annual membership fee (single membership fee for all SOSSEC OTAs)
Current Members | Current Opportunities (not public) | Join the SOSSEC
AFLCMC Propulsion Directorate Consortium Initiative (PCI) – a SOSSEC Other Transaction Agreement
Government Sponsor: Air Force Lifecycle Management Center (AFLCMC) Propulsion Acquisition Directorate
Consortium Management Firm: System of Systems Consortium (SOSSEC), Inc.
Consortium Focus/Mission: Critical research, development, test, and evaluation within prototyping projects addressing propulsion needs and the future of the propulsion enterprise.
Technology Focus Areas
Any topic generally consistent with the research, development, test and evaluation within prototyping projects of the AFLCMC mission sets. Mission sets include, but are not limited to:
- Weapon system and commercial derivative aircraft platforms
- Battle management
- Simulators
- Human systems
- Clothing/uniforms
- Business enterprise systems
- Command
- Control
- Communications
- Intelligence and networks
- Armament
- Support equipment and vehicles
- Automatic
- Test systems
- Electronic warfare and avionics
- Information
- Surveillance
- Reconnaissance and special operations
- Aircraft integration
- Aircraft
Who Can Join?
Traditional and non-traditional firms, academic institutions, and non-profit organizations.
Cost to Join?
$500 annual membership fee (single membership fee for all SOSSEC OTAs)
Current Members | Current Opportunities (not public) | Join the SOSSEC
AFLCMC Propulsion Consortium Initiative (PCI 2.0) – a SOSSEC Other Transaction Agreement
Government Sponsor: Air Force Lifecycle Management Center (AFLCMC) Propulsion Acquisition Directorate
Consortium Management Firm: System of Systems Consortium (SOSSEC), Inc.
Consortium Focus/Mission: Critical research, development, test and evaluation within prototyping projects addressing propulsion needs and the future of the propulsion enterprise in support of the USAF, the Army, and the Navy.
Technology Focus Areas
Any topic generally consistent with the RDT&E of propulsion systems. Mission areas of PCI 2.0 include, but are not limited to:
- Digital engineering
- Artificial intelligence (AI)
- Engine health monitoring
- Manufacturing base
- Small engines
- Aircraft platforms
- Systems
- Components
- Materials and any integration therein
Prototyping projects could include platform electrical power systems (EPS) and thermal management systems. The scope will include, but is not limited to:
- Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE)
- Platform specific and common architecture studies
- Component/systems qualification and integration efforts for smart power management
- Higher density/higher capacity common generators
- Common aircraft lithium-ion batteries
- Flightworthy auxiliary or supplement power units
- Upgraded conversion electronics
Who Can Join?
Traditional and non-traditional firms, academic institutions, and non-profit organizations.
Cost to Join?
$500 annual membership fee (single membership fee for all SOSSEC OTAs)
Current Members | Current Opportunities (not public) | Join the SOSSEC
AFRL OTAFI – a SOSSEC Other Transaction Agreement
Government Sponsor: Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)
Consortium Management Firm: System of Systems Consortium (SOSSEC), inc.
Consortium Focus/Mission: A coordinated prototyping and testing program in conjunction with the Government that speeds the ability to rapidly prototype Government, industry, and academia capabilities in the areas of command, control, communications, computing, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (C4ISR) technologies proposed to be acquired or developed by the DoD to sustain U.S. military technological advantage.
Technology Focus Areas
- Command, control, communications, computing, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (C4ISR) technologies proposed to be acquired or developed by the Department of Defense (DoD) to sustain U.S. military technological advantage
Who Can Join?
Traditional and non-traditional firms, academic institutions, and non-profit organizations.
Cost to Join?
$500 annual membership fee (single membership fee for all SOSSEC OTAs)
Current Members | Current Opportunities (not public) | Join the SOSSEC
Space Enterprise Consortium (SpEC)
Government Sponsor: US Space Force Space Systems Command (SSC)
Consortium Management Firm: National Security Technology Accelerator (NSTXL)
Consortium Focus/Mission: Bridge the cultural gap between military buyers and commercial space startups and small businesses through OTAs to: minimize barriers to entry for small businesses and non-traditional vendors; promote integrated research and prototyping efficiencies; and leverage partnerships to increase flexibility and agility, reduce cost, improve technology and decrease program development cycles.
Technology Focus Areas
- Mission Design, CONOPS, Evaluation
- Mission Operations and Architecture
- Command, Control, and Communications Architecture
- Launch Segment
- Ground Segment
- Satellite Bus, Structure, Power, Attitude Control, Propulsion
- Payload – Data Processing and Transport
- Payload – Radio Frequency
- Payload – Optical (Visibility and IR)
- Electronics
- Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning
Who Can Join?
Traditional and non-traditional firms, academic institutions, and nonprofit organizations permitted to do business with the DoD and with expertise relevant to the SpEC focus areas.
Cost to Join?
$250 – $10,000 annual dues structured by entity (corporate, non-profit, academia/other) and annual revenue or academic/other organization type (single membership fee for all NSTXL OT Consortia)
Supply Chain Consortium Initiative (SSCI) – a SOSSEC Other Transaction Agreement
Government Sponsor: 448th Supply Chain Management Wing (SCMW)
Consortium Management Firm: System of Systems Consortium (SOSSEC), inc.
Consortium Focus/Mission: Performs critical research, development, test and evaluation within prototyping projects addressing 448th Supply Chain Management Wing (SCMW), to include other organizations in the Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC) or strategic partners, needs and the future of these enterprises.
Technology Focus Areas
- Any topic generally consistent with the Research, Development, Test & Evaluation (RDT&E) of 448th SCMW, to include other organizations in the AFSC or strategic partners, and/or systems
- Scope might extend to address aircraft platforms, systems, components, or materials and any integration therein.
- Scope could extend to, but is not limited by the following activities:
- Sustainment
- Repair and procurement of weapon system Depot Level Reparables (DLR), DLR subcomponent sourcing, predictive analytics (e.g., artificial intelligence, machine learning, etc.)
- Alternative manufacturing methods
- Rapid reverse engineering
- Repair development
- Business process re-engineering (e.g., streamlining, robotic process automation, etc.)
- Rapid problem solving (e.g. Hackathons)
- Supply chain risk management
- Use of alternate / emerging technologies to further the 448 SCMW mission
Who Can Join?
Traditional and non-traditional firms, academic institutions, and non-profit organizations.
Cost to Join?
$500 annual membership fee (single membership fee for all SOSSEC OTAs)
Current Members | Current Opportunities (not public) | Join the SOSSEC
Army Sponsored OT Consortia
Aviation & Missile Technology Consortium (AMTC)
Government Sponsor: Army Combat Capabilities Development Command (DEVCOM) Aviation & Missile Center
Consortium Management Firm: Advanced Technology International (ATI)
Consortium Focus/Mission: Engage industry and academia to develop and mature guided missile technologies to develop and transition U.S. Army aviation and missile manufacturing technologies, and integrate advanced technologies, techniques and processes into future effective weapon systems in support of U.S. Army and DoD weapon systems.
Technology Focus Areas
Guided Missile
- Target Detection/Acquisition/Tracking Sensors
- Missile Electronics
- Seekers to Defeat Moving Targets and Air Defense Threats
- Guidance/Control for Improved Precision and Global Positioning System (GPS)-Denied Precisions
- Lethality Mechanisms
- Warheads
- Fuzes
- Payloads
- Radar
- Datalink and Communication
- Materials and Structures
- Power Systems
- Aerodynamics
- Navigation Systems
- Modeling and Simulation
- Energetics
- Component Cyber Security
- Propulsion Systems for Increased Range and Decisive Effects
- Missile Launchers
- Support Equipment
Manufacturing & Enabling/Disruptive Technologies
- Innovation Enablers
- Additive Manufacturing
- High Energy Creation and Storage Systems
- Directed Energy
- Advanced Materials/Processes
- Advanced Manufacturing Techniques
- Manufacturing Cyber Security
- Modeling and Simulation
- Virtual Prototyping
- Robotics
- Automation
- High Temperature Materials
- Lightweight & Hybrid Materials
- Flexible Electronics
- Reclamation/Repair Technologies
- Open System Architectures for Enhanced Manufacturing Productivity (Digital Manufacturing and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT))
- Platforms/Materials/Structures
- Power Systems
- Engines/Propulsion Systems
- Drives/Rotors
- Mission Systems
- Avionics/Navigation
- Sensors Networks Data Link and Communication
- Survivability
- Sustainability
- Autonomy
- Manned/Unmanned Teaming (MUMT)
- Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)
- Component Cyber Security and Aviation Ground Support Equipment/Systems (AGSE)
Who Can Join?
Companies that are part of the U.S. Defense Industrial Base as well as new and emerging non-traditional defense contractors and academia.
Cost to Join?
To access the AMTC, join the National Armaments Consortium (NAC) | $500 one-time membership fee and/or the Vertical Lift Consortium (VLC) | $500 annual membership fee. Contact AMTC to help you decide if one or both consortia would better fit your interests.
Current Members (NAC|VLC) | Current Opportunities | Join the AMTC
Cyberspace Operations Broad Responsive Agreement (COBRA) – a SOSSEC Other Transaction Agreement
Government Sponsor: Program Executive Office Enterprise Information Systems (PEO EIS)
Consortium Management Firm: System of Systems Consortium (SOSSEC), inc.
Consortium Focus/Mission: Spur innovative development, demonstration, and expedited delivery of prototypes to increase Armed Forces readiness via rapid and responsive projects. Enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the PEO EIS mission, the cyber community, and the Department of Defense through critical research, experiments, development, testing, modeling, architecture, and evaluation of innovative technology to support prototype efforts.
Technology Focus Areas
- Defensive Cyber Operations – passive and active cyberspace operations that are intended to preserve the ability to utilize friendly cyberspace capabilities and protect data, networks, net-centric capabilities, and other designated systems
Who Can Join?
Traditional and non-traditional firms, academic institutions, and non-profit organizations.
Cost to Join?
$500 annual membership fee (single membership fee for all SOSSEC OTAs)
Current Members | Current Opportunities (not public) | Join the SOSSEC
Consortium for Command, Control, and Communications in Cyberspace (C5)
Government Sponsor: Army Combat Capabilities Development Command (DEVCOM)
Consortium Management Firm: Consortium Management Group (CMG)
Consortium Focus/Mission: Accelerate the development and deployment of new capabilities to the Warfighter focused on C4ISR and cyber technology sectors.
Technology Focus Areas
- Offensive and Defensive Cyberspace Operations
- Joint Multi-Domain Battlespace Awareness and Situational Understanding
- Command, Control, Communications, Computers (C4) and Spectrum Utilization
- Global Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (GIISR)
- System-of-Systems Architecture
- Systems Integration
- Tactical and Strategic Networks
- Enterprise Systems
- Software and Hardware Technologies
- Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning
- Forensics
- Real-time/Near Real-time Large Data Analytics and Virtualization
- Electronic and Cyber Warfare
- Positioning, Navigation and Timing
- Targeting
- Information Operations
- Intelligence Analysis, Exploitation and Dissemination
- Mobility and Autonomy
- Sensors, Data Fusion and Dissemination
- Modeling, Simulation and Training
- Special Operations Forces (SOF) Enabling Technologies
Who Can Join?
Large and small businesses, non-profits and academic institutions conducting research and development in the C4ISR and cyber technology domains.
Cost to Join?
$500 annual membership dues (waived first year for all new members; academic institutions are exempt)
Current Members | Current Opportunities (not public) | Join the C5 Consortium
Consortium for Energy, Environment, and Demilitarization (CEED)
Government Sponsor: Army Combat Capabilities Development Command (DEVCOM)
Consortium Management Firm: Consortium Management Group (CMG)
Consortium Focus/Mission: Accelerate the development and deployment of new capabilities to the Warfighter.
Technology Focus Areas
- Environmental Quality and Installations
- Remediation and Decontamination
- Manufacturing and Maintenance
- Operational Energy
- Engineer Systems
- Resilient Facilities and Infrastructure
- Civil Works
- Unmanned Systems and Robotics
- Logistics
- Combat and Protective Clothing
- Force Protection and Sustainment
- Demilitarization
- Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Threat Reduction
- Unexploded Ordnance Detection and Neutralization
- Infantry Weapon Systems, Fires and Ammunition
- Ground, Sea and Air Vehicles
- Identify Dominance/Biometrics
- Training Systems
- Enabling Technologies
Who Can Join?
Large and small businesses, non-profits and academic institutions conducting research and development in the energy, environmental, and demilitarization technology domains.
Cost to Join?
$500 annual membership dues (waived first year for all new members; academic institutions are exempt)
Current Members | Current Opportunities (not public) | Join the CEED Consortium
Defense Automotive Technologies Consortium (DATC)
Government Sponsor: Army Combat Capabilities Development Command (DEVCOM) Ground Vehicles Systems Center
Consortium Management Firm: SAE Industry Technologies Consortia (SAE ITC)
Consortium Focus/Mission: Creating opportunities for the U.S. government, industry and academia to work collaboratively to develop and transition engineering-based automotive technology solutions for manned and unmanned vehicles.
Technology Focus Areas
- Automotive Cybersecurity
- Vehicle Safety Technologies
- Vehicle Light Weighting
- Autonomous Vehicles and Intelligent Systems
- Connected Vehicles
- Advanced Energy Storage Technologies
- Propulsion Technologies
- Active Suspension Technologies
Who Can Join?
All qualified companies and academic institutions conducting research and prototype development in any or all of the technology focus areas.
Cost to Join?
No fee
Current Members | Current Opportunities (not public) | Join the DATC
Engineer, Research, and Development Center (ERDC) – a SOSSEC Other Transaction Agreement
Government Sponsor: U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC)
Consortium Management Firm: System of Systems Consortium (SOSSEC), inc.
Consortium Focus/Mission: Mature and integrate technologies directly relevant to enhancing the mission effectiveness of military personnel and the supporting platforms, systems, components, or materials proposed to be acquired or developed by the DoD, or to improvement of platforms, systems, components, or materials in use by the armed forces.
Technology Focus Areas
- Protective Structures and Systems
- Protection and Survivability
- Geophysical Sensors and Data Fusion
- Vulnerability Assessment, Detection, and Analytics
- Geoscience
- Environmental
- Geospatial Material Modeling and Simulation
- Enhance and Assess Mobility of Manned and Unmanned Systems
- Engineering and Engineering Enabling Technologies
- Global Access Engineering
- Infrastructure Maintenance
- Repair and Reconstruction Technologies
- Engineering Analysis Tools
- Decision Aid Prototype Software
Who Can Join?
Traditional and non-traditional firms, academic institutions, and non-profit organizations.
Cost to Join?
$500 annual membership fee (single membership fee for all SOSSEC OTAs)
Current Members | Current Opportunities (not public) | Join the SOSSEC
Medical Technologies Enterprise Consortium (MTEC)
Government Sponsor: U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command (USAMRDC)
Consortium Management Firm: Advanced Technology International (ATI)
Consortium Focus/Mission: Promote the development and delivery of innovative medical technologies to improve the health and safety of military personnel, veterans, and civilians.
Technology Focus Areas
- Military Infectious Diseases
- Combat Casualty Care
- Medical Simulation and Information Sciences
- Military Operational Medicine
- Clinical and Rehabilitative Medicine
- Clinical and Biological Threat Reduction
Who Can Join?
Any company, university, or research organization with expertise in the technology areas specifically related to the Medical Technology Enterprise Consortium’s mission. MTEC members seeking to collaborate with companies operating from the countries identified here will be subject to additional due diligence with the Defense Security Service.
Cost to Join?
Large Businesses | $5,000 annual dues
Small Businesses, Academic Research Institutions, Not-for-Profits | $1,000 annual dues
Multi-member Organizations | $500 annual dues (section 3.2.1 of the CMA)
National Advanced Mobility Consortium (NAMC)
Government Sponsor: Army Combat Capabilities Development Command (DEVCOM) Ground Vehicle Systems Center (GVSC)
Consortium Management Entity: Member-led Consortium
Consortium Focus/Mission: Foster member-driven innovations that ensure efficiency, effectiveness, and victory for the U.S. military.
Technology Focus Areas
- Architecture, Security, and Modularity
- Autonomy
- Collaboration
- External Systems
- Fuels & Lubes
- Mobility
- Modeling & Simulation
- Petroleum & Water Systems
- Platforms
- Powertrain
- Survivability
- Testing & Evaluation
Who Can Join?
Traditional and non-traditional, large and small, for-profit companies, academic institutions, and non-profit organizations with a presence in the U.S. who are focused on the development of manned and unmanned autonomy-enabled military solutions and their emerging technologies.
Cost to Join?
$500 annual dues
Sensors, Communications, and Electronics Consortium (SCEC)
Government Sponsor: Army Combat Capabilities Development Command (DEVCOM) C5ISR Center
Consortium Management Firm: SOSSEC Inc
Consortium Focus/Mission: Conduct research, development, and testing in cooperation with the Government, leading to technology demonstrations and prototype projects in the sensors, communications, and electronics sciences and other related fields to maintain and improve warfighter command, control, communications, computer, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance capabilities in complex environments.
Technology Focus Areas
- Assured Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT)
- Cyberspace Operations
- Electronic Warfare (EW)
- Mine, IED, and Minefield Detection and Defeat
- Intelligence, Analysis, Exploitation, and Dissemination
- Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance, and Targeting
- Mission Command
- Tactical and Deployed Power
- Tactical and Strategic Networks
Who Can Join?
Traditional and non-traditional firms, academic institutions, and non-profit organizations.
Cost to Join?
$500 annual membership fee (single membership fee for all SOSSEC OTAs)
Current Members | Current Opportunities (not public) | Join the SCEC
Training and Readiness Accelerator II (TReX) Consortium
Government Sponsor: Army Program Executive Office for Simulation, Training, and Instrumentation (PEO STRI)
Consortium Management Firm: Advanced Technology International (ATI)
Consortium Focus/Mission: Develop modeling, simulation and training related prototypes to enhance the mission effectiveness of military personnel and the supporting platforms, systems, components, or materials proposed to be acquired or developed by the DoD.
Technology Focus Areas
- Modeling
- Simulation
- Education and Training
- Experimental Validation
- Readiness
- Information Operations
Who Can Join?
Any company, university, or research organization with expertise in the technology areas specifically related to the TReX II mission. Limited to U.S. companies or U.S.-based affiliates of foreign companies.
Cost to Join?
$500 annual membership dues.
Current Members (not public) | Current Opportunities | Join TReXII
Expeditionary Missions Consortium-Crane (EMC2)
Government Sponsor: Naval Surface Warfare Center, Crane Division (NSWC Crane)
Consortium Management Firm: Advanced Technology International (ATI)
Consortium Focus/Mission: Basic, applied, and advanced research projects, and prototype projects in support of current and future needs related to Expeditionary Missions Technologies. Addresses requirements in the areas of Power & Energy Systems; Specialized Munitions; Weapon Systems; Maneuver, Surveillance, & Engagement; Integrated Software; Command, Control, Communications and Information (C3i) & Cyber; and Electro-Optic Technology.
Technology Focus Areas
- Verification and Validation
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Multispectral Sensing
- Design Assurance
- Outreach and Standards
- Materials and Processes
- Manufacturing Technology
- Modeling and Simulation
- Spectrum Warfare Technologies
- Expeditionary Warfare Technologies
Who Can Join?
U.S-based companies, innovators, research institutions and academic institutions guiding, conducting or using research and prototype development in the areas including, but not limited to: Verification and Validation, Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning, Multispectral Sensing, Design Assurance, Outreach and Standards, Materials and Processes, Manufacturing Technology, Modeling and Simulation, Spectrum Warfare Technologies, and Expeditionary Warfare Technologies.
Cost to Join?
Information Warfare Research Project (IWRP)
Government Sponsor: Naval Information Warfare Systems Command (NAVWAR)
Consortium Management Firm: Advanced Technology International (ATI)
Consortium Focus/Mission: Engage industry and academia to identify, develop and demonstrate the enabling technologies that enhance the Navy and Marine Corps mission effectiveness in the field of Information Warfare.
Technology Focus Areas
- Cyber Warfare
- Data Science/Analytics Technologies
- Assured Communications
- Cloud Computing
- Enterprise Resource Tools
- Integrated Fires (IF)
- Battlespace Awareness (BA)
- DevSecOps
- Autonomy
- Mobility
- Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE)
- On-Demand Manufacturing
- Assured Command and Control (AC2)
- Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning (AI/ML)
- Elegant Design and User Experience
Who Can Join?
Any company, university, or research organization with expertise in the technology areas specifically related to the Information Warfare Research Project mission.
Cost to Join?
Large Organizations | $750 annual membership fee
Small Organizations | $250 annual membership fee
Academic Institutions and Nonprofit Organizations | No fee
Current Members | Current Opportunities | Join the IWRP Consortium
Marine Sustainment Technology and Innovation Consortium (MSTIC)
Government Sponsor: Naval Surface Warfare Center, Philadelphia Division (NSWCPD)
Consortium Management Firm: Advanced Technology International (ATI)
Consortium Focus/Mission: Innovative sustainment solutions to effectively address current and future security threats in maritime environments.
Technology Focus Areas
- Cybersecurity
- Controls
- Networked Communications
- Encryption
- Neural Network/Machine Learning
- Artificial Intelligence
- Virtual Reality
- AC Power Generation
- Fault Protection
- Power Distribution
- Power Conversion
- Harmonic Filtering
- EMI Hardening & Filtering
- Conductors
- Power System Modeling & Simulation
- MVDC Components and systems
- Motor Controllers
- Energy Storage (batteries, capacitors)
- Electric Actuators
- Shaft Seals
- Air Handling (Fans, blowers, dampers, ducting, etc.)
- Pumps
- Reverse Osmosis
- Breathing Air Purification
- Air Conditioning & Refrigeration
- Gas Turbines
- Fuel Cells
- High Temperature Superconductivity
- 3D Printing/Additive Manufacturing
- Laser Scanning
- Parametric Scaling Software & Tools
Technology Topic Areas:
- COTS Obsolescence and Tech Refresh Product Development
- Data Transformation
- Cyber
- Fleet Introduction Technologies
- Waterfront Industrial Support Operations
- Develop Asset Fabrication
- Revitalization (Remanufacturing) & Packaging Innovations
- Logistics and Supply Chain Management
- Research and Development
Who Can Join?
Any U.S. company or U.S.-based affiliate of foreign company, university, or research organization with expertise in the technology areas specifically related to the MSTIC mission. Foreign companies can be subcontractors (team members) on projects awarded through the Other Transaction Agreement (OTA) as long as they can meet the terms and conditions of the OTA.
Cost to Join?
No fee
Current Members | Current Opportunities (not public) | Join MSTIC
Naval Aviation Systems Consortium (NASC)
Government Sponsor: Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR)
Consortium Management Firm: Consortium Management Group, Inc (CMG)
Consortium Focus/Mission: Support the technology needs of the Naval Air Warfare Centers (NAWCs) and the Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR).
Technology Focus Areas
- Air Vehicles
- Propulsion and Power
- Avionics
- Human Systems
- Weapons and Energetics
- Support Equipment and Aircraft Launch and Recovery Equipment
- Warfare Analysis
- Research and Intelligence
- Test, Evaluation, and Engineering
- Simulation and Modeling
- Digital Transformation
Who Can Join?
Large and small businesses, non-profits and academic institutions.
Cost to Join?
$500 annual membership dues (waived first year for all new members; academic institutions are exempt)
Naval Surface Technology and Innovation Consortium (NSTIC)
Government Sponsor: Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) Dahlgren
Consortium Management Firm: Advanced Technology International (ATI)
Consortium Focus/Mission: Researches, develops, tests, and integrates complex naval warfare systems across a broad range of technology areas and disciplines.
Technology Focus Areas
- Multi-Function Materials
- Cyber
- Big Data Analytics/Machine Learning
- Directed Energy Science and Engineering
- Advanced Computing and Software Engineering
- Autonomous and Unmanned Systems
- Electromagnetic Environmental Effects and Spectrum
- Sensor Systems
- Launcher and Projectile Systems
- Digital Engineering
- Human Systems Integration
- Quantum Technologies
- Threat Engineering
- Mission Engineering and Analysis
- Integrated Warfare Systems
- Virtualization
- Asymmetric Warfare
- Manufacturing
- Lethality
- Surface Offensive and Defense Engagements
- Launcher Technology
- Integrated Training Systems
Who Can Join?
Any company, university, or research organization with expertise in the technology areas specifically related to the NSTIC mission. Limited to U.S. Companies or U.S.-based affiliates of foreign companies. Foreign companies can be subcontractors (team members) on projects awarded through the OTA as long as they can meet the terms and conditions of the OTA.
Cost to Join?
No fee
Strategic & Spectrum Missions Advanced Resilient Trusted Systems (S2MARTS)
Government Sponsor: Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) Crane
Consortium Management Firm: National Security Technology Accelerator (NSTXL)
Consortium Focus/Mission: Refine strategies, management planning activities, and implement integrated, complementary solutions that enable broader DoD access to commercial state-of-the-art EMS technologies, advanced microelectronics, radiation-hardened (RAD-HARD) and strategic missions hardware.
Technology Focus Areas
- Commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) programmable integrated circuit (IC) co-development
- Custom Optics
- Design Assurance
- Enhanced Fabrication
- Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs)
- Machine Learning
- Magnetic Random Access Memory (MRAM)
- Manufacturing Technology
- Materials and Processes
- Microelectronics and Electronic Warfare focused Workforce Development
- Microelectronics Obsolescence and Replacement
- Modeling and Simulation
- Multispectral Sensing
- New Microelectronics Development, Demonstration, and Capability Insertion
- Outreach and Standards
- Radiation Hardened by Process (RHBP)/Radiation Hardened by Design (RHBD)
- Radiation Hardened Microelectronics
- Radio Frequency (RF) and Optoelectronic (OE) Microelectronics
- Spectrum Warfare Technologies – Advanced and custom optics, advanced threat assessment and exploitation efforts
- Spectrum Warfare Technologies (All Other)
- Strategic Missions Hardware
- Verification and Validation
Who Can Join?
Entities permitted to do business with the Department of Defense and with technology and expertise relevant to the S2MARTS focus areas.
Cost to Join?
$250 – $10,000 annual dues structured by entity (corporate, non-profit, academia/other) and annual revenue or academic/other organization type (single membership fee for all NSTXL OT Consortia)
Current Members | Current Opportunities | Join the S2MARTS Consortium
Strategic & Spectrum Missions Advanced Resilient Trusted Systems (S2MARTS) Research
Government Sponsor: Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) Crane
Consortium Management Firm: National Security Technology Accelerator (NSTXL)
Consortium Focus/Mission: Operating under the 10 U.S.C. §4021 authority, the S²MARTS Research consortium can carry out research projects that meet the needs and requirements of the government at any stage, allowing for a natural transition from research to prototype development.
Technology Focus Areas
- Commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) programmable integrated circuit (IC) co-development
- Custom Optics
- Design Assurance
- Enhanced Fabrication
- Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs)
- Machine Learning
- Magnetic Random Access Memory (MRAM)
- Manufacturing Technology
- Materials and Processes
- Microelectronics and Electronic Warfare focused Workforce Development
- Microelectronics Obsolescence and Replacement
- Modeling and Simulation
- Multispectral Sensing
- New Microelectronics Development, Demonstration, and Capability Insertion
- Outreach and Standards
- Radiation Hardened by Process (RHBP)/Radiation Hardened by Design (RHBD)
- Radiation Hardened Microelectronics
- Radio Frequency (RF) and Optoelectronic (OE) Microelectronics
- Spectrum Warfare Technologies – Advanced and custom optics, advanced threat assessment and exploitation efforts
- Spectrum Warfare Technologies (All Other)
- Strategic Missions Hardware
- Verification and Validation
Who Can Join?
Traditional and non-traditional firms, academic institutions, and non-profit organizations permitted to do business with the Department of Defense and with technology and expertise relevant to the S2MARTS Research focus areas.
Cost to Join?
$250 – $10,000 annual dues structured by entity (corporate, non-profit, academia/other) and annual revenue or academic/other organization type (single membership fee for all NSTXL OT Consortia). Innovators who wish to only operate under the S²MARTS Research program will be offered free membership.
Current Members | Current Opportunities | Join the S2MARTS Research Consortium
Undersea Technology Innovation Consortium (UTIC)
Government Sponsor: Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC)
Consortium Management Firm: Advanced Technology International (ATI)
Consortium Focus/Mission: Foster and support a collaborative environment for commercial, academic, and nonprofit organizations focused on the rapid development of innovative undersea and maritime technologies.
Technology Focus Areas
- Sensors and Sonar
- Platform & Payload Integration
- Undersea Warfare Combat Systems
- Communications
- Undersea Warfare Imaging
- Undersea Distributed Networked Systems
- Electronics/Optics/Materials
- Passive Sensing
- Undersea Satellites
- Energy Storage and Release
- Virtualization
- Machine Learning
- Threat Monitoring
- Cooperative Force Torpedo Defense
- Undersea Warfare Analysis
- Multi-Domain Fusion
- Electronic Warfare
- Distributed and Autonomous Sensors
- Undersea Warfare Weapons and Autonomous Vehicles
- Autonomy
- Quantum Computing
- Bio-Inspired Sensors
- Environmental Sensing, Monitoring, & Prediction
- In-Situ Energy Sources
- Multi Dimensional Display
Who Can Join?
Academia, large and small businesses including traditional or non-traditional defense contractors, and not-for-profit entities.
Cost to Join?
Large Businesses | $1,500 annual dues ($750 July – December)
All others | $500 annual dues ($250 July – December)
Current Members | Current Opportunities (not public) | Join the UTIC
Non-DoD Sponsored OT Consortia
Homeland Security Technology (HSTech) Consortium
Government Sponsor: Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Customs and Border Patrol (CBP)
Consortium Management Firm: Advanced Technology International (ATI)
Consortium Focus/Mission: Execute R&D and prototyping/piloting initiatives using innovative contracting methodologies that leverage both governmental and consortia technological, financial, and human resources to meet homeland security requirements and close capability gaps.
Technology Focus Areas
- Surveillance and Monitoring
- Identification and Assessment
- Targeting and Intelligence
- Communications and Information Management
- Apprehension/Detention/Seizure/Removal
- And other border security – related capabilities
Who Can Join?
Large and small businesses, non-profit organizations, and academic research institutions.
Cost to Join?
Large and mid-size Businesses | $1,000 annual dues
All others | $500 annual dues
Current Members | Current Opportunities | Join the HSTech Consortium
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) – a SOSSEC Other Transaction Agreement
Government Sponsor: NGA Office of Ventures and Innovation (OVI)
Consortium Management Firm: System of Systems Consortium (SOSSEC), inc.
Consortium Focus/Mission: Execute and coordinate efforts to plan, research, develop, and utilize prototype efforts designed to allow NGA to acquire and/or use those technologies and business processes in the agency for evaluation and demonstration.
Technology Focus Areas
- Early-stage development through advanced development, procurement, sustainment, and commercialization, including manufacturing infrastructure development of Medical Technology (MedTech), Vaccines (Vx), and Therapeutics (Tx).
Who Can Join?
Traditional and non-traditional firms, academic institutions, and non-profit organizations.
Cost to Join?
$500 annual membership fee (single membership fee for all SOSSEC OTAs)
Current Members | Current Opportunities (not public) | Join the SOSSEC
Rapid Response Partnership Vehicle (RRPV) Consortium
Government Sponsor: Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA)
Consortium Management Firm: Advanced Technology International (ATI)
Consortium Focus/Mission: Accelerate Medical Countermeasure (MCM) product and technology development to address evolving needs including pandemic influenza, emerging infectious diseases, and other biological threats.
Technology Focus Areas
- Basic and advanced prototypes that support resolution of National System for Geospatial-Intelligence (NSG) and Allied System for Geospatial-Intelligence (ASG) hard intelligence problems.
Who Can Join?
All entities, except for entities from countries on the U.S. Government’s prohibited source list of embargoed and sanctioned countries, as defined by U.S. Department of Treasury and U.S. Department of Commerce
Cost to Join?
No cost.
Current Members | Current Opportunities | Join the RRPV Consortium