Technology Maturation and Risk Reduction (TMRR)
The second phase of the Defense Acquisition System as defined and established by DoDI 5000.02. It is initiated by a successful Milestone A decision. The purpose of this phase is to reduce technology, engineering, integration, and life cycle cost risk to the point that a decision to contract for Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD) can be made with confidence in successful program execution for development, production, and sustainment. This phase should include a mix of activities intended to reduce the specific risks associated with the product to be developed. These activities include additional design trades and requirements trades necessary to ensure an affordable product and executable development and production programs. Capability requirements are matured and validated and affordability caps are finalized during this phase. This phase normally includes competitive sources conducting technology maturation and risk reduction activities and preliminary design activities up to and including a Preliminary Design Review (PDR) prior to source selection for the Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD) Phase.
Source: DoDI 5000.02