by jenchoi | Aug 6, 2019 | Anonymous Innovator, Mindset
Disrupting Acquisition Blog Anonymous Innovator Series: Be Innovative or Get Promoted, Pick One. In the fantasy lands of Disney and HBO, normal citizens regularly rise above their lowly positions to rule kingdoms and don regal crowns. In the real world known as the...
by petemodi | Jul 24, 2019 | Mindset, Policy
Disrupting Acquisition Blog The Purpose of the Defense Acquisition System in a Four Word Mantra “The Defense Acquisition System exists to manage the nation’s investments in technologies, programs, and product support necessary to achieve the National Security...
by Dan Ward | Jul 23, 2019 | Mindset
Disrupting Acquisition Blog PRO TIP: The 3 P’s of Making Change Introducing change inside a bureaucracy is always challenging, but it’s also an important part of the job for defense acquisition professionals. The DoD needs people to lead change and drive...
by jenchoi | Jul 17, 2019 | Mindset, Rapid Acquisition
Disrupting Acquisition Blog To Jump or Not to Jump, That is the Question… When you’re “in the system,” especially when it’s a massive one like the DoDI 5000.02 Defense Acquisition System, it can feel like a never-ending uphill battle… an overwhelmingly...