by Roger Thrasher | May 7, 2020 | Mindset
Disrupting Acquisition Blog SWAP Your TAME There’s a saying in the aircraft design world that every feature must “buy its way onto the airplane.” That’s because every piece of hardware or software that’s added to an airplane consumes a precious resource by taking up...
by petemodi | May 4, 2020 | Accelerate, Innovation, Mindset
Disrupting Acquisition Blog Pentagon Wars 2020: The Return of the Bureaucrats As the United States advances in the Great Power Competition, one thing is certain – the DoD must increase its speed, agility, and innovation. This new era offers greater threats and...
by ltedder | Feb 12, 2020 | Mindset
Disrupting Acquisition Blog The Acquisition Redemption? It feels like soft mud under your feet and cool rain on your eyelids and a crack of thunder above you. It feels like freedom. We talk a lot about the culture in Acquisition and how to change it. Basically, we...
by petemodi | Jan 23, 2020 | Innovation, Mindset
Disrupting Acquisition Blog The Pentagon’s Missing Whiteboards One day as I sat in a meeting in a Pentagon conference room, it hit me. There are no whiteboards in this room. In fact, most of the conference rooms lack a whiteboard. While individual offices and...
by petemodi | Jan 14, 2020 | Accelerate, Mindset
Disrupting Acquisition Blog What Have You Delivered? Last year, the Air Force Secretary and Acquisition Executive published a great Air Force Acquisition Annual Report for 2018. It covered a wide range of content, profiling the programs, enterprise level stats, with...
by Dan Ward | Oct 30, 2019 | Innovation, Mindset
Disrupting Acquisition Blog You Should Make A Video By Dan Ward & Deb Zides Hardware assembly instructions are notoriously difficult to follow. Sometimes it’s because the words and pictures on the page were badly written, poorly labeled, or visually ambiguous....