Disrupting Acquisition Blog SWAP Your TAME There’s a saying in the aircraft design world that every feature must “buy its way onto the airplane.” That’s because every piece of hardware or software that’s added to an airplane consumes a precious resource by taking up...
The Acquisition Redemption?

The Acquisition Redemption?

Disrupting Acquisition Blog The Acquisition Redemption? It feels like soft mud under your feet and cool rain on your eyelids and a crack of thunder above you. It feels like freedom. We talk a lot about the culture in Acquisition and how to change it. Basically, we...
The Pentagon’s Missing Whiteboards

The Pentagon’s Missing Whiteboards

Disrupting Acquisition Blog The Pentagon’s Missing Whiteboards One day as I sat in a meeting in a Pentagon conference room, it hit me. There are no whiteboards in this room. In fact, most of the conference rooms lack a whiteboard. While individual offices and...
What Have You Delivered?

What Have You Delivered?

Disrupting Acquisition Blog What Have You Delivered? Last year, the Air Force Secretary and Acquisition Executive published a great Air Force Acquisition Annual Report for 2018. It covered a wide range of content, profiling the programs, enterprise level stats, with...
You Should Make A Video

You Should Make A Video

Disrupting Acquisition Blog You Should Make A Video By Dan Ward & Deb Zides Hardware assembly instructions are notoriously difficult to follow. Sometimes it’s because the words and pictures on the page were badly written, poorly labeled, or visually ambiguous....