by ltedder | Jan 19, 2021 | Policy
Disrupting Acquisition Blog Middle Tier of Acquisition and Cheeseburger Salad “What the heck is that?” My colleague and I are having lunch on the patio of his favorite burger place so that we can talk about the Adaptive Acquisition Framework and how it is better than...
by petemodi | May 22, 2020 | Accelerate, Policy, Rapid Acquisition
Disrupting Acquisition Blog Accelerating Space Acquisition The Secretary of the Air Force, Barbara Barrett, in partnership with the US Space Force, submitted a report to Congress on an Alternative Acquisition System for the Space Force. This is a great report that...
by petemodi | Apr 16, 2020 | Accelerate, Innovation, Policy
Disrupting Acquisition Blog Modernizing DoD’s Requirements System The world is accelerating into the future, but the DoD’s requirements system is stuck in the past. The current approach to generating requirements is too slow to produce results when they...
by Dan Ward | Jan 21, 2020 | News, Policy, Rapid Acquisition
Disrupting Acquisition Blog What’s So Great About MTA’s? (Part 1) The new Middle Tier of Acquisition instruction (DoDi 5000.80) is a pretty big deal. In this post I’ll explain why, but first, a tiny bit of background. The document (effective 30 Dec 2019)...
by petemodi | Sep 19, 2019 | News, Policy
Disrupting Acquisition Blog USD(A&S) Ellen Lord On Acquisition Reforms and Innovation On 26 Aug 2019, Ms. Ellen Lord, Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment had a press briefing on Acquisition Reform and Innovation. Here are some highlights....
by petemodi | Jul 25, 2019 | Accelerate, Policy
Disrupting Acquisition Blog Authority, Autonomy, and Accountability Here’s the bad news: the US defense fielding enterprise—the combined efforts of Congress and the Executive Branch to field relevant defense capabilities—is not meeting our Nation’s needs. At a time...