by petemodi | May 20, 2022 | Design, Innovation, Rapid Acquisition
Disrupting Acquisition Blog Shorten MDAP Lifespans To Optimize Long-Term Success DoD should cut planned operational lifespans for major weapon systems in half or shorter. The average DoD aircraft is 30 years old. Most DoD ships, submarines, and satellites were...
by petemodi | Sep 16, 2021 | Design, Digital, Engineering
Disrupting Acquisition Blog DoD Mission Engineering and NFL Football The NFL is back in action, and millions of Americans are excited about the upcoming season! Typically, when reading a business book, I tie it to DoD acquisitions in a blog post. How can we tie...
by jenchoi | Jul 9, 2019 | Design
Disrupting Acquisition Blog Summer Vacation and International Interoperability With summer officially underway, the thought that is now on everyone’s mind (regardless of being in Acquisition or not) is: Where should I go for vacation? For those of us who dream of...