by ltedder | Feb 19, 2020 | Rapid Acquisition
Disrupting Acquisition Blog Why We’re Confused about Agile vs Rapid To know where we’re going, it helps to know how you got to where you are. We often look back at some years-old or decades-old or even centuries-old point of view and make frownie faces because...
by ltedder | Feb 12, 2020 | Mindset
Disrupting Acquisition Blog The Acquisition Redemption? It feels like soft mud under your feet and cool rain on your eyelids and a crack of thunder above you. It feels like freedom. We talk a lot about the culture in Acquisition and how to change it. Basically, we...
by ltedder | Jan 9, 2020 | Rapid Acquisition
Disrupting Acquisition Blog 20 Defense Contracting Things to Watch in 2020 A mentor once told me that where we put our attention gets our juice—our life force to make things happen. If we begin the new year aware of certain things to watch as the year unfolds, then we...
by ltedder | Oct 21, 2019 | Contracting
Accelerate Accelerate Home Accelerate Culture Accelerate Requirements Accelerate System Design Accelerate Execution Accelerate Contracting Lorna Tedder A First-Person Approach from Lorna Tedder In my last three years of working urgent acquisitions as a...
by ltedder | Oct 21, 2019 | Contracting
Accelerate Accelerate Home Accelerate Culture Accelerate Requirements Accelerate System Design Accelerate Execution Accelerate Contracting Results for "fee" A First-Person Approach from Lorna Tedder A Contracting Officer’s determination that a price...